Emphasis in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (ELITE)

Fall 2024 / Winter 2025 Courses:

  • Course enrollment date for APS graduate courses: Wednesday, August 7, 6am, ET (same time and date for TEP courses as well)
  • The Fall 2024 term runs from September 3 - December 23, 2024.
  • The Winter 2025 term runs from January 6 - April 7, 2025*.
    • *It is possible a course may run before these dates above or end beyond the dates - please check with course instructor, syllabus or the course schedule.

Summer 2024 Courses:

Course enrollment for APS Graduate Courses will begin on Thursday, April 4th, 2024, 6am.

Summer Course Add/Drop Deadline: Some Summer courses do not follow SGS add/drop deadlines since they are scheduled at unique dates. Please note the add/drop deadline in the course schedule on our website. If you would to add a course that is still within the course add deadline, please fill this form out with your signature. If you are having trouble dropping a course and it falls within the drop deadline, please use the same form. Please pass this form to d.duong@utoronto.ca for processing.


Emphasis for Master of Engineering (MEng) Students

Engineering practice today demands a breadth of skills: not only technical, but also an understanding of leadership, finance and business, management, entrepreneurship and innovation. Engineers often appreciate the importance of such skills only after they join the workforce.

The Emphasis in ELITE offers University of Toronto MEng students a broad range of courses in these topics. The first of its kind in Canada, the ELITE Emphasis is targeted at engineers seeking to develop a more well-rounded skill set.

To earn the Emphasis in ELITE, MEng students must complete:

  • at least four of the courses listed below from any of the four categories. The four courses do not have to be from a single category and can be from any of the four.
  • The Emphasis can be integrated into MEng programs offered by any of seven departments in the Faculty (Aerospace,  Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical & Computer, Mechanical & Industrial, and Materials Science).
  • Some courses may satisfy the requirements of multiple emphases. Students may double-count a maximum of one course towards the requirements of any two emphases.
  • Students cannot earn more than two FASE emphases

Former APS leadership courses, now renamed TEP under the Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education & Practice (ISTEP), are eligible to be counted towards the ELITE emphasis still.

As best we can, ELITE courses are scheduled with working professionals in mind. We offer a mix of daytime, evening and Saturday morning courses in each of the fall, winter, and summer sessions. The format of the courses varies: some are taught once a week for 12 weeks. A few are taught online. Others, especially in the summer, are taught on a 2-week intensive basis.

The table below lists the ELITE course schedule for the coming year, as we know it today, and is subject to change. Students are encouraged to check regularly for updated information.

Students who complete the requirements of the Emphasis in ELITE will be able to have their ELITE Emphasis be noted on their transcript. This notation will only appear once you receive your degree and graduate.

To confirm completion of the ELITE Emphasis at the end of your studies, please complete this form at least 2 weeks before your graduation date. 


  • ELITE Course information can be found by clicking on the links below.
  • For course related questions please send an email to gradstudies@engineering.utoronto.ca.
  • For all other student inquiries, (registration, grades, and other administrative questions), please contact the Graduate Studies office in your home department.
  • Some courses may satisfy the requirements of multiple certificates, (also called "emphases"). Students may double-count a maximum of one course towards the requirements of any two emphases.

*View what courses MEng students who have completed the emphasis have taken. These are only sample pathways, you are welcome to create your own course pathway (that meets requirements of the emphasis) that suits your own needs.

FASE/CMC-Canada Academic Partnership :

Graduate students may use APS1049H: Management Consulting for Engineers, APS1001H: Project Management and APS1013: Applying Innovation in Engineering to count towards the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation.

Note that the CMC designation requires completing other course(s) offered by CMC-Canada, as well as some practical work experience.

Please contact CMC-Canada for more information about earning the CMC designation.

To register for your free student membership with CMC-Canada Membership, access this URL, scroll to "Academic Partners" and select "University of Toronto" to proceed with registration. All UofT engineering graduate students can register.


Leadership: View course descriptions and schedule

Entrepreneurship & Innovation: View course descriptions and schedule

Finance & Management: View course descriptions and schedule

Engineering & Society: View course descriptions and schedule


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