
Master of Engineering (MEng) emphasis:

Sustainable Aviation


If you have questions about the Sustainable Aviation emphasis, please contact Professor David Zingg, Director of the Centre for Research in Sustainable Aviation: dwz@utias.utoronto.ca.

For more information, visit the MEng emphases FAQ page »

The Sustainable Aviation emphasis is for graduate students who seek to develop the interdisciplinary skills and knowledge required to develop the next generation of aircraft and contribute to the sustainability of the aviation sector.

Environmental sustainability has become a key driver in the aviation sector and in the design of aircraft and their engines, as aircraft noise and emissions have negative impacts on the environment. Aviation in particular contributes significantly to climate change. This impact is projected to grow as demand for air travel grows, unless significant reductions in climate change impact per passenger-km are achieved in the near future.

The core course for this emphasis covers a wide range of topics from atmospheric physics to regulatory aspects. Other courses include those related to improving the efficiency of aircraft through reductions in weight and drag, to noise reduction, to alternative fuels such as biofuels and hydrogen – and more. Students with the knowledge and skills associated with sustainable aviation are expected to be in high demand.

Students who complete the emphasis will have it notated on their transcript.

Program Eligiblity

Graduate students at the University of Toronto registered in the following MEng programs can specialize in the Sustainable Aviation emphasis:

You cannot apply to the emphasis directly as a standalone program. If you are a prospective student, you can learn more about applying to our MEng programs here.

Emphasis Requirements

MEng students must successfully complete five courses, as listed below.

Some courses may satisfy the requirements of multiple emphases.

Students may double-count a maximum of one course towards the requirements of any two emphases.

Students cannot earn more than two emphases.

This course:

  • AER1315H Sustainable Aviation

And four courses from the list below:

  • AER1303: Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • AER1304: Fundamentals of Combustion
  • AER1306: Special Topics in Reacting Flows (reading)
  • AER1308: Introduction to Modern Flow Control
  • AER1310: Turbulence Modelling
  • AER1316: Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • AER1318: Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • AER1319: Finite Volume Methods for CFD
  • AER1322: Modern Aerospace Propulsion
  • AER1403 Advanced Aerospace Structures
  • AER1418: Variational Methods for Partial Differential Equations
  • AER501: Computational Structural Mechanics and Design Optimization
  • AER510: Aerospace Propulsion
  • CIV1307: Lifecycle Assessment of Engineering Activities
  • PHY1498: Introduction to Atmospheric Physics
  • PHY2505: Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Remote Sounding
  • PHY2504: Atmospheric Dynamics
  • CHE1123: Liquid Biofuels
  • JCC1313: Environmental Microbiology


If you have questions about the Sustainable Aviation emphasis, please contact Professor David Zingg, Director of the Centre for Research in Sustainable Aviation: dwz@utias.utoronto.ca.

For more information, visit the MEng emphases FAQ page »