Research Hacks: Tips From Your Peers

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Barriers to research productivity, many of which are not related to science, can significantly impact your graduate school experience. Here we have compiled a list of practical tips from graduate students on strategies to address common barriers to research productivity. 

The resources below will provide support for… 

  • Time management. 
  • Tips for reading papers efficiently. 
  • Tips for research record keeping. 


Tips from Your Peers
1Peer Tips for Time ManagementTips for time management and productivity.
2Peer Tips for Research Record KeepingTips for record keeping during lab research, computational research, and meetings.
3Peer Tips for Reading PapersTips for efficiently reading papers in various fields.
Grad Hacks
4Graduate Professional Development 15: Time ManagementVideo discussing strategies for effective time management. (~6 min)
5Graduate Professional Development 16: Conflict ManagementVideo giving examples and tips for managing conflict in grad school and professional life. (~6 min)
6Graduate Professional Development 17: Work Life IntegrationVideo examining the importance of finding healthy and sustainable ways to integrate professional life with life outside work. (~4 min)
7Graduate Professional Development 18: Mentorship and ExpectationsVideo about navigating and managing a student-supervisor relationship. (~10 min)
8Graduate Professional Development 19: Reframing FailureVideo about dealing with and moving forward from failure. (~6 min)
9Graduate Professional Development 20: EDI, Unconscious Bias, WellnessVideo about managing equity, diversity, and inclusion in professional spaces; recognizing unconscious bias; and providing resources for supporting personal wellness. (~9 min)