ELITE – Leadership Courses


Leadership Courses formerly with course code APS, now are TEP. For more information on our leadership courses, please visit the Troost ILead website.

Summer Course Add/Drop Deadline: Some summer courses do not follow SGS add/drop deadlines since they are scheduled at unique dates. Please note the add/drop deadline in the course schedule below. If you would to add a course that is still within the course add deadline, please fill this form out with your signature. If you are having trouble dropping a course and it falls within the drop deadline, please use the same form. Please pass the form to d.duong@utoronto.ca for processing.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Courses          Finance & Management Courses          Engineering & Society Courses

Course Description *Click course title for syllabus linkAdmin InfoNext Session DetailsFall 2024Winter 2025Summer 2024
TEP1010: Cognitive and Psychological Foundations of Effective LeadershipWINTER 2025: Begins week of January 6th, Tuesdays 6-9pm, Room TBDx
TEP1011H: Authentic Leadership: Engineering Your Vibrant FutureNot offered this year
TEP1026H: Positive Psychology for EngineersFALL 2024: Starts week of Sept 3, Tuesdays, 6-9pm, room TBD

SUMMER 2024:

F Session: May 6 - June 19, Tuesday and Wednesday 6-9pm in OI 2212

S Session: July 2-Aug 15, Tuesday and Wednesday 6-9pm in OI 2212

TEP1027H: Engineering PresentationsPLEASE NOTE: Attendance at the first two classes is mandatory for continuation in the course.

Wait listed students who wish to get into the class are also expected to attend the first class.
FALL 2024: Begins week of Sept 3, Wednesdays 4-7pm, room TBDx
TEP1029H: The Science of Emotional Intelligence and its Application to LeadershipFALL 2024: Begins week of Sept 16, Wednesdays, 6-9pm, room TBD

TEP1030H: Engineering Careers – Theories & Strategies to Manage your Career for the FutureNot offered this year

TEP1440H: To Engineering is Humannew course for Fall 2024Fall 2024: schedule TBD
TEP1501H: Leadership and Leading in Groups and OrganizationsFALL 2024: Begins week of Sept 3, Tuesdays 6-9pm, room TBDx
TEP1502H: Leadership in Product DesignNot offered this year
TEP1601H: Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity within Engineering Contexts
Not offered this year

Leadership Courses formerly with course code APS, now are TEP. TEP courses can count towards the ELITE Emphasis.

TEP1010H: Cognitive and Psychological Foundations of Effective Leadership

TEP1010H Syllabus

Robin Sacks

This course has been completely redesigned for life in our quarantined world. This semester's theme is Self-Leadership (because you can't lead anyone until you can lead yourself (!), and who better to practice your leadership skills on during quarantine than you?!) The class is completed in teams of 4, (but worry not - there are no graded team assignments!). Together your team will work through themes related to self-leadership like self-discipline (why can't I keep my new year's resolutions?), resilience (how can hard times and failures make me stronger?), and motivation (how can I stay engaged when I don't feel like it?). You'll also embark on 3 wild self-leadership quests that will challenge you to walk your talk in practical ways. I designed this course to be highly challenging, but stress free. It's full of fun activities and deep, meaningful conversations with your classmates to help get you through life off-campus.


TEP1011H: Authentic Leadership: Engineering Your Vibrant Future

TEP1011H Syllabus

Mike Farley and Nick Evans 

This course is aimed at helping engineering students to combine their knowledge and practical skills with their natural authentic leadership in order to create meaningful work and vibrant lives for themselves, their communities, and society. This course challenges the notion that leadership is a prescribed set of behaviours and allows students to explore their own authentic leadership. During the first half of the course students will use a variety of tools and concepts to explore ‘Who Am I’, ‘What Am I Fundamentally About’ and ‘How Do I Show Up’ to create the experiences and relationships that I want in my life & work. In the second half of the course students will learn an authentic teaming approach to co-creating meaningful change. Students will identify inspiring possibilities, work through core challenges, and create integrated solutions together as change agents for a vibrant future.

TEP1026H: Positive Psychology for Engineers

TEP1026H Syllabus

Robin Sacks

Many disciplines have explored happiness – philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology, neurobiology, film, art and literature – to name a few. Why not engineering? During the first part of the course we will play catch-up, examining the scholarly and creative ways that people have attempted to understand what makes for a happy life. Then we turn our attention to our own domain-expertise, applying engineering concepts like “balance”, “flow”, “amplitude”, “dynamic equilibrium”, “momentum” and others to explore the ways that your technical knowledge can contribute to a deep understanding of happiness. This course is designed to challenge you academically as we analyze texts from a variety of disciplines, but it is also designed to challenge you personally to explore happiness as it relates to yourself, your own personal development and your success and fulfillment as an engineer.

TEP1027H: Engineering Presentations

TEP1027H Syllabus

Lydia Wilkinson

Communication skill can be a critical success factor in engineering. Engineering know-how is given added power when communicated with clarity and simplicity in presentations that are thoughtfully planned and effectively executed. In this course, each student will make a large number of short presentations to sharpen their skills and increase their confidence. Students will grapple with capturing the essence of complex subjects and expressing it through key words, data and images. Students will be able to develop a wide range of skills: visual representation of data, systems and mechanisms; structuring and sequencing a talk; managing the tools, equipment and physical and psychological aspects of presentations; delivering speeches with vivid voice and body language; and finally, skills in connecting with an audience and achieving the desired impact.

TEP1029H: The Science of Emotional Intelligence and its Application to Leadership

TEP1029H Syllabus

Daniel Cushing

This course is designed for (best suited for) full time and part time engineering students with work experience

A growing body of social science research offers clear evidence that emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a crucial role in leadership effectiveness. We know that the most successful managers are able to motivate and achieve best performances through the ability to understand others, and the key to this is to first understand yourself. In this course, you will complete the most scientifically validated EQ assessment available, The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) and receive a detailed report that identifies your leadership strengths and targets areas for development. You will acquire an enhanced level of self-knowledge and a deeper awareness of your impact on others. This will form the basis of a personal development plan that will help you improve your leadership effectiveness.In this course we will also examine evidence-based research that links leadership effectiveness to authenticity and mindfulness, both of which can be enhanced through mindfulness training programs. Simply defined, mindfulness is the awareness of one’s mental processes and the understanding of how one’s mind works. Using case studies, we will discover why companies such as Carlsberg, Google, Sony and General Electric have trained hundreds of employees in mindfulness.

TEP1030H: Engineering Careers – Theories & Strategies to Manage your Career for the Future

TEP1030H Syllabus

Mark Franklin

21st century career management skills and knowledge are critical success factors for engineers, to develop their own careers for the future, and as leaders and project managers, to help develop others’ careers. Especially in engineering where career engagement influences innovation and productivity, career management is arguably the most important learning to bridge the gap between an engineering education and an engineer’s ability to apply their learning in the real world.

In this course, students will learn about contemporary theories and issues in career development so they can apply their knowledge and skills, to benefit their own careers, and those of their team members, organization, and society. Students will learn an evidence-based framework for career clarification and exploration. Using this framework, students gain career management and job search strategies, increase hope and confidence, expand their network and use practical career management tools. In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world of work, students will consider career paths, hear and tell career stories, and gain skills to navigate a lifetime of transitions.

TEP1440H: To Engineer is Human

Behind every engineering feat is a human story. Students will learn to examine this often-overlooked perspective of engineering and its implications for engineering work. Engineering is at its core a human activity geared at helping to attain human goals, which requires the integration of many viewpoints, technical and non-technical. Drawing on perspectives from humanities and social science disciplines (e.g., sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, and political science) students will explore aspects of the human condition as it relates to engineering work: particularly the complexity of individuals, the contexts in which they operate, and how this shapes collaborative work. They will develop an appreciation for and skills to engage in the interdisciplinary work that engineering entails by examining conceptions of engineering, as well as the humanities and social and their intersections with engineering. Students will integrate these themes in projects that investigate the human stories behind various technologies.


TEP1501H: Leadership and Leading in Groups and Organizations

TEP1501H Syllabus

Zoe Coull and Angela Tran

This course will examine leadership in relation to technology and the engineering profession. Topics will include: leadership theories, historic and current leaders, ethical leadership, teaming and networking, productivity and innovation, thinking frameworks, business leadership, and influencing people. Through this course students will explore their own leadership abilities and develop or strengthen their competencies in areas such as managing conflict, team dynamics, running effective meetings, developing others, and creation of vision and mission statements. The course will be delivered through lectures, workshops, readings, and guest speakers.

TEP1502H: Leadership in Product Design

APS1502H Syllabus

Alison Olechowski

The objective of this course is to prepare students for the type of teams, processes and decisions used for complex socio-technical engineering design projects. The course will equip students with tools and strategies for leading, following other leaders, in this context. Students will have the opportunity to apply their learning on three hybrid team-individual assignments. The course readings will be sourced from real industry cases and experiences.

TEP1601H: Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity within Engineering Contexts

TEP1601 Syllabus

Mikhail Burke / Cori Hanson

There is growing demand (and requirements) within both industry and academia to have engineers, leaders, researchers, and instructors who are versed in equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles and leverage that knowledge to positively influence the development and impact of their work. However, engineers and STEM researchers often feel unsure how to properly navigate these social principles within their technical spaces.

This course is for both working professionals or research academics who operate within engineering industry, research or teaching spaces seeking to develop an understanding of EDI principles and how they may apply to their technical contexts. This course seeks to provide students with space to learn about and develop tools, strategies and reflections when engaging equity and social considerations within their work.

*Note* There is no pre-requisite knowledge required for this course. We welcome all learners whether you have no experience with EDI and want to learn more or you already have experience and are looking to deeper your learning.