ELITE – Engineering & Society Courses

Summer Course Add/Drop Deadline: Some summer courses do not follow SGS add/drop deadlines since they are scheduled at unique dates. Please note the add/drop deadline in the course schedule below. If you would to add a course that is still within the course add deadline, please fill this form out with your signature. If you are having trouble dropping a course and it falls within the drop deadline, please use the same form. Please pass the form to d.duong@utoronto.ca for processing.

Leadership Courses            Entrepreneurship & Innovation Courses            Finance & Management Courses

Course Description *Click course title for syllabus linkAdmin InfoNext Session DetailsFall 2024Winter 2025Summer 2024
APS510H1: Innovative Technologies and Organizations in Global Energy SystemsFALL 2024: Sept 3, Monday, 6-9pm (LEC) in room TDB; Wednesdays, 6-7pm (TUT), room TBD
APS1018H: The Engineer in Society: Ethics, History, Philosophy (formerly History and Philosophy of Engineering)Synchronous DeliveryNot offered in 2024-2025

APS1024H: Infrastructure Resilience PlanningCourse Drop Deadline: Sept 16FALL 2024: Sept 7 - Sept 28, Saturdays, 9am-5pm - Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, 9-5pm in BA2155x
APS1025H: Infrastructure ProtectionCourse Drop Deadline: Oct 14FALL 2024: Oct 5 - Oct 26, Saturdays, 9am-5pm, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 in BA2155x
APS1031H: Infrastructure PlanningFALL 2024: Sept 9 - Dec 9, Mondays, 1-4pm in MY490x
APS1034H: Making Sense of AccidentsPart of Accident Causation and Risk Management Courses

Summer only:
To drop this course, please use course add/drop form, with your signature and submit to d.duong@utoronto.ca
FALL 2024: Start Sept 3, Mondays, 12-2pm, in MY317, Fridays 1-3pm in SU 255

SUMMER 2024: May 2 - June 18, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays, 6-8pm, MY320

Course add deadline: May 3
Course drop deadline: May 23

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APS1101H: System Dynamic Risk ManagementPart of Accident Causation and Risk Management Courses

Course will be delivered Synchronously

To drop this course, please use course add/drop form, with your signature and submit to d.duong@utoronto.ca
WINTER 2025: Starts week of Jan 6 - Wednesdays, 3-5pm in UC 69 Thursdays 2-4pm in BA5281

SUMMER 2025: Not offered
APS1420H: Technology, Engineering and Global DevelopmentWINTER 2025: Starts Jan 6, Tuesdays, 6-8pm in MY380, Wednesdays 6-8pm, in BA1200x
APS1090H: Risk Engineering FALL 2024: Sept 9 - Dec 9, Mondays 9-12pm in GB119

APS510H1: Innovative Technologies and Organizations in Global Energy Systems

APS510H Syllabus

Nitish Sarker

A broad range of global energy systems are presented including electricity generation, electricity end use, transportation and infrastructure. Discussions are based on two key trends: (a) the increasing ability to deploy technologies and engineering systems globally, and (b) innovative organizations, many driven by entrepreneurship (for profit and social) and entrepreneurial finance techniques. The course considers these types of innovations in the context of developed economies, rapidly developing economies such as India and China, and the developing world. The course will interweave a mix of industry examples and more in-depth case studies. The examples and cases are examined with various engineering, business and environmental/sustainability analysis perspectives.

APS1018H: The Engineer in Society: Ethics, History, Philosophy (formerly History and Philosophy of Engineering)

APS1018 Syllabus

Stephen C Armstrong

This course has been designed for the reflective engineer with experience in the workplace. Though those without real world industry experience are welcome. Designed by a professional engineer for engineers, technologists, applied scientists and engineering executives, it will help practitioners reflect on their role in society and understand how that role has been shaped and is constantly changing. Most of the world’s leading employers depend on engineers, technologists, and applied scientists to design new technological systems, products and services and effectively operate and sustains these systems. Human resource leaders are charged with attracting, motivating, developing, and retaining these individuals, as well as partnering with them on large-scale systems change. This course provides insider insight into the way engineers think and feel about the work they do. It begins by studying the history of medieval and modern technology and proceeds to explore the rise of engineering science, the engineering disciplines and 19th century professionalization. And finally we explore how engineering ethics, culture, philosophy and identity has been shaped and forged in various countries, and how this impacts the role of the engineer in society.  Each term we adapt themes across many aspects of society including, Military Industrial Security Complex, Big Pharma, Cyber Security, Technology and Privacy, Industry-Banking-Power-Politics, Globalization, Engineering Profession and Politics. We also look at futurism, and ethical implications - 4th industrial revolution and smart cities, telecommunications, mass media control, robotization of the military, biological engineering, transhumanism, war, business, and profit.

What also comes to mind for me is the concept "I wished I had known then what I know now". This is often a sentiment by older people (50 plus) who look back on their careers or life in general and wish they had the "wisdom" to make a different decision or choose a different path but lacked the awareness at the time to explore other choices.

APS1024H: Infrastructure Resilience Planning

APS1024H Syllabus

Alec Hay

Planning for resilience is a fundamental of strategic and operational planning of infrastructure and requires an in-depth understanding of the operation one wishes to make resilient, its context and operating environment. This course teaches resilience planning from first principles, including the development and application of international and Canadian infrastructure resilience and investment policy, demand and dependency management, all-hazards and mitigation strategies and its relationship to Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity Planning.

APS1025H: Infrastructure Protection

APS1025H Syllabus

Alec Hay

A fully integrated protection scheme is necessary to efficiently implement an Infrastructure Resilience Plan to assure operational survival following a catastrophic event. Building on the first principles of security integration and fortifications practice, illustrated with case studies through history, the students explore site security surveys, different tools, mitigation methods and models in common use and the assumptions and technology behind them in order to make informed decisions on how to approach and solve an infrastructure protection problem for the full range of event types. This is then practised in partnership with industry, analysing real security integration issues for real clients, to whom the students will present their protection schemes.

APS1031H: Infrastructure Planning

APS1031H Syllabus

Alec Hay

This course is a guided exploration of infrastructure planning through a fundamental understanding of first principles and discussion about their application to various aspects of the discipline. This will include strategic planning, cost, finance, risk, resilience, design and the different applications from facilities to utilities, disaster relief and policy development. Guest presentations by recognized Subject Matter Experts round out the practical appreciation with case studies. The course is accessible to undergraduates, while providing an essentially post-graduate perspective. Given the enormity of this field, detailed exploration of any of the lecture topics is not possible. Instead, students will be encouraged to read further into the topics of interest and directed to existing courses that explore the topic in greater detail.

APS1034H: Making Sense of Accidents

APS1034H Syllabus | Part of Accident Causation and Risk Management Courses

Julian Lebenhaft

This course introduces the main theoretical approaches of systems thinking, organization structure and crisis management for understanding catastrophic accidents. Highlighting the socio-technical limits to the prevention of severe accidents, it emphasizes the importance of incorporating such insights in engineering design with the aim of reducing the likelihood of disasters.

APS1101H: System Dynamic Risk Management

Part of Accident Causation and Risk Management Courses

APS1101 Syllabus

Julian Lebenhaft

The course provides new perspectives on safety and human error and shows how to incorporate humans in complex automated systems using systems thinking.

APS1420H: Technology, Engineering and Global Development

APS1420 Syllabus

This is a joint graduate/undergraduate course, which explores a broad range of topics centered on the role of technology and engineering in global development. The course format is a combination of lectures by the instructor and guest speakers, discussion of assigned readings (academic journals, book excerpts, popular press, etc.), review of case studies, and student presentations. Topics covered include: (1) a brief history of international development, foreign aid, and major players involved (e.g. UN, World Bank, government agencies, NGOs), (2) technological innovation and diffusion theory and practice, (3) new international development models (e.g. social entrepreneurship, microfinance, risk capital approaches) and finance organizations involved (e.g. Grameen Bank, Gates Foundation, Acumen Fund, etc.), (4) implication of major global trends (e.g. globalization, urbanization) for sustainable development. The above topics are addressed in the context of specific case studies of technologies and technology sectors involving health, energy, infrastructure, finance, and communications. The goal of this course is to inform students of the various causes and consequences of global poverty, and to highlight ways that they can apply their technical, engineering, and entrepreneurship knowledge towards addressing complex global challenges.

APS1090H: Risk Engineering

APS1090 Syllabus

Alec Hay

Risk engineering is about understanding what risk means at a technical level. A familiar shortcut has been to use historic data of past events to estimate current and future risks. The effects of accelerating climate, technological and societal changes mean that today no longer resembles the past; we cannot rely on predictive models based on assumptions that are no longer valid. Instead, we need to understand our current circumstances from evidence and project future risks based on the trends we observe. This evidenced approach is known as Risk-Based Assessment (RBA), which is increasingly used in the risk and insurance industry. The RBA approach allows us to provide validated financial reporting with full material disclosure of risks to the most stringent international standards (including IFRS S1 & S2), develop transition development strategies with fully transparent supporting performance and risk metrics, intelligent risk transfer and future equity protection.

Do not be willfully ignorant of the changes around you. Understand your operations and organization in context from the data you gather, and know the reasonably foreseeable risks you face over time. This course will teach you how to conduct RBA, practice on real issues for real clients, and use your skills for altogether better business strategies.