Money Matters

Tuition varies based on your degree of interest. Below are 2023-2024 tuition amounts (including incidental fees) for our professional- and research-stream graduate programs. For details on tuition (including tuition for part-time students) and making fee payments, please visit the U of T Student Accounts website.

Domestic (full-time): $15,384
International (full-time): $69,430

Domestic (full-time): $15,384
International (full-time): $69,430

Domestic (full-time): $8,214
International (full-time): $31,660

Domestic (full-time): $8,214
International (full-time): $8,970

Registered MASc and PhD candidates receive enough funding to cover tuition and incidental fees. In addition, MASc candidates receive a minimum of $18,000 per year and PhD candidates receive a minimum of $20,000 per year.

See General Funding Policy for PhD and MASc Students.

Most students earn more than the minimum as a result of teaching assistantships and scholarships, such as from NSERC, CIHR and the Ontario Graduate Scholarships program.

Visit the School of Graduate Studies website for more on U of T funding for graduate students.

For most scholarships and fellowship, students should apply directly to their departments/institutes, by the deadlines set by the specific department or institute.

The School of Graduate Studies keeps a detailed list of scholarships and fellowships available for graduate studies and also postdoctoral training. Note that not all these scholarships are relevant to graduate students in the Faculty for Applied Science and Engineering.


IBET Momentum Fellowships

The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering is committed to building a community that reflects the society we serve. The Indigenous and Black Engineering and Technology (IBET) Momentum Fellowships aim to address the urgent need to provide opportunities that encourage and support the pursuit of graduate studies by equity-deserving groups traditionally underrepresented within STEM research. The main program goals are to first, change the academic landscape within the next five to ten years by removing historical and systemic barriers to participation by Indigenous (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) and Black scholars and second, increase the number of Black and Indigenous Professors teaching and conducting research in engineering in universities across Canada.

The project will also bring more diverse perspectives and voices into engineering research, pedagogy, and the Canadian technology industries. The fellowship will facilitate this by not only valuing the traditional academic excellence of candidates but how they have exhibited leadership and engagement within their ethno-cultural communities.

IBET Momentum Fellows will have the option to rotate between selected labs and supervisors during their first term of registration into the PhD program. Rotations are an effective way to clarify research interests and explore different supervisory styles, lab environments and to help build a network.

Learn how to apply.

SGS Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarships for Black and Indigenous Master’s Students

The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarships (IEAS) aim to diversify academia by supporting the recruitment of underrepresented groups, specifically first-year Black and Indigenous master’s students to PhD-stream programs (i.e., MA, MSc, MSW, MEd, MPH, and other research and professional programs that are commonly a stepping-stone to a U of T PhD program). These scholarships are an SGS initiative developed in response to recommendations emerging from the Weecheehetowin Final Report of the Steering Committee for the University of Toronto Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of CanadaThe Anti-Black Racism Task Force Final Report, and the Scarborough Charter. These scholarships will increase graduate school opportunities for Black and Indigenous applicants whose paths to academia include significant accomplishments that may not be included in conventional graduate admission criteria.

Learn how to apply.

Other Scholarships and Awards

  • Please visit here for scholarships and awards you may be eligible for.

Cost of Living

We understand how important it is to assess the cost of living while attending University of Toronto. You can use our resource here to get an estimate.